Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mammia Mia!

Con amore da Italia!

I am putting off writing about last weekend in Roma and this weekend in Siena to highlight one of the reasons I am able to be in Italia in the first place; Kelley Harrington.

To all of you who know my mother, you know she is one of the most enthusiastic, self-less, good-hearted people out there. Rarely do I hear her complain, for she puts all others above herself.

It is interesting being in Italy, and how much less communicating we do. I call her at least three times a day, and now we are sometimes not able to Skype but once a week - it’s been an adjustment:) Yet she is with me in spirit and I am so happy here I know she is happy for me.

I admire how involved she is; I’ve really learned from the best. I’ll be on Skype for two minutes before its, “I’m off to work out class” or “going to a clients house” or “coffee with the girls” or “a meeting at Central” or “I’ve got to go pick up the girls from school!” With a busy household she still manages to fit everything in while giving each of us unconditional love. Just today one of my friends was rattling off all the things she had to do, and I quoted my mom with her motto, “One step at a time.”

I thank God every day that I was blessed with the mother I have. I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Mackenzie! This is so sweet :) I feel the same way about my mom, and it's funny that they know each other! Great people seem to stick together :) I hope you enjoy your last days in Italy!
